New Every Morning
Lord willing, a brand new year will arrive on Monday! Where did the last one go? It seems just a few weeks ago since it was New Year’s Day and here it is again. What do I have to show for the 365 days I spent in the year 2017? Is there anyone whose life was changed because of something I did? Or, God forbid, because of something I didn’t do?
Christmas Blessings
Three Wise Women
Ladies fellowships are enjoyable by all who attend. The Christmas fellowship party is the highlight of the year for the ladies, as we all bring snack foods and gifts and play games. We laugh a LOT that night! Several years ago, for the devotion, I taught a much-abbreviated lesson about the three wise women who surrounded Jesus' birth. We're always hearing about the three wise men, but not so much about the women!
Thoughts on Being a Hostess
For many hospitality and being a good hostess comes naturally. But for some of us it's not our cup of tea. Whether you are a natural hostess or a reluctant hostess these thoughts are perfectly timed for the season.
The Grace of a Stranger
We've all been there. The frazzled mama doing all she can to keep her children from a nuclear meltdown, quietly daring anyone to make a rude comment about her children. If you are like the rest of us, then you've been a witness to a meltdown and even probably thought if that child was mine, he wouldn't behave that way. You never know what is going on in a situation. That is where the Grace of a stranger comes into play.
Always Be a Child
When I think on the song "Always be a Child", I am reminded of my father and how I saw him as my hero, my friend, and my protector. I looked up to him. I realize that not everyone can say the same about their father. Some have been abused mentally and physically by their father and I cannot for one minute comprehend what life must be like for them. What they must have felt knowing that the abuse they suffered was at the hand of someone who should have been there for them protecting them and taking cared of them. The joy they should have known taken from them so that all they knew were tears, heartache, and cruelty. I can’t comprehend it at all.

Budgeting: Cleaning and Laundry Style
Welcome to the final installment of our Budgeting Series. This has been a short series dealing with saving in the kitchen, heating, and now with cleaning and laundry. There are many ways to save money, but these three areas are the biggest money guzzlers we all have problems with.
When Mamas Prays
As Christian mothers, it is our responsibility to pray for our children. Even before they are conceived, our children should be prayed for because God hears our prayers. No matter what stage of life they are in, they need our prayers. Wonderful things can happen when Mamas Pray.
Budgeting: Heating Style
Welcome to the second installment of our Budgeting Series. Last week we shared Budgeting: Kitchen Style. Today we're talking about ways to keep your house warm that help in saving money.
The Beauty of Feet
Feet are not usually considered beautiful! There are many who literally can’t stand to look at people’s feet; it makes them sick! They can’t rub someone’s feet or sit on the couch next to someone who has their shoes off. Many women make their feet beautiful with pedicures. Scrubs, lotion, and nail polish are just a few ways that help in making feet a little more easier to look at.
But you know, God considers our feet a thing of beauty.
Budgeting: Kitchen Style
More and more people are finding the need to tighten their belts and shrink their budgets. I tend to be a pretty cheap person by nature so it's been kinda fun to watch people who have never given a thought to what they spend all of a sudden start to panic.
For the next three weeks, we're sharing a short series on budgeting. This week we're focusing on the kitchen. Some of these things I do, and others I don't, but they seem to work for my friends.
For the next three weeks, we're sharing a short series on budgeting. This week we're focusing on the kitchen. Some of these things I do, and others I don't, but they seem to work for my friends.
Three Things to do Today
Are you concerned about your past? Are you worried what your future may hold? We all have those concerns and fears, but we should never allow them to control how we live. There are three things we can do today to help us
What is Your Teen Reading?
Giving our children clean, wholesome books to read is important. What they put into their minds through books can either hurt or help them. It is our duty as parents to make sure our teens know what kind of material is appropriate. Guarding their mind is so important today.
The Problem With Our Young People
Where there is no vision, the people perish, those words are found in the book of Proverbs. In a church we visited those words where hanging above the front door inside the auditorium. The pastor told why he had the banner made and placed there. He wanted everyone who walked out the doors to be reminded they had to have a vision in their life. While he could only do so much for them at the pulpit, it was up to them to have a vision once they left the church. As parents, we are to have a vision while training our children.
The Garden On The Hill
I came across this quote while reading a book on prayer, "God cares about everything that concerns you, so feel free to talk to him about anything." Many of us look at little things and don't consider praying about them because they're little. But you know, if they are something that we care about, God cares about them also. He wants us to pray for the big things and the little things.
Pure Words
How are your words? Are they what they are suppose to be? If you're like me than they are not. When I realize how my words are, I know they need to be refined. I need to be placed in the refiner's fire, but I'm not going through it alone.
Cast Your Burden
There are times when we need to be reminded of things. We have a loving Saviour who wants to bear our burdens, if only we let him. For whatever reason we are hanging on to the burdens, they are only making our lives harder to live. All we have to do is cast our burden onto the Lord.
Unbelief - 4 Things an Unbelieving Heart Does
Have you even said or thought the words I 'll believe it when I see it? We all have one time or another. But you know, when we allow unbelief keep us from believing and trusting the Lord it's a sin. Not only is it a sin, but we miss out on so many blessings.
Encourage Learning the Bible: Teach by Association
Teaching children is amazing. They learn so much when given the chance. There are times when they need a little help in learning something. Learning by association is a wonderful way for children or anyone to learn. Today, we're sharing tips on teaching the 10 Commandments by association.
Never Give Up
Let Us Continue To Pray
As parents, we are responsible to train our children up for the Lord. We pour years into their training and for some, they decide to leave it behind. It's hard to accept. After all we've done, we don't have anything to be ashamed of. We need to continue loving them and continue in prayer until they return to the Lord.
Two Things Making Women Equal With Men Will Do
In today's world, many of us are considered old fashioned in our thinking. When it comes to old time teaching for women, the feminists have labeled it as out dated. While they want to be considered an equal or more superior, there are those of us who don't feel the need for that type of advancement. We feel the need to live the role God intended for us.
When We Experience It Ourselves
It's amazing how we sometimes find the outcome of an experience surprising. It's something we've heard over and over but have yet to experience it. And when we do experience it, we're quite surprised.
I Saw Jesus In You
In every situation, people watch us. Many times God places us in the perfect place and time so another can see Jesus. No matter who we are or what our situation is are we living a life so others can say,"I saw Jesus in you"? If we are not, we need to consider we may be the only Bible others see.
I'd Rather Be a Door Keeper
For some, it's not easy to look at what they do for the Lord and be satisfied. They see others doing big things while they are behind the scenes doing something smaller. Then there are those who think a calling is beneath them because they've done some important things in the past. Are you satisfied with what you've been called to do? If you are struggling with what God has for you, keep reading because you may think differently after doing so.
Choose to Serve the Lord
Serving the Lord is not always what we want to do, especially after a tiring day. The Lord understands we get tired and He rewards us when we go the extra mile for Him. It pays when we choose to serve the Lord.
Through the Word Memory Verse Challenge May Linkup
Welcome to the Through The Word Reflection Linkup!
Did you join us for May's challenge? If you wrote a blog post reflecting what you learned from this month's challenge, be sure to add the link at the bottom of the post.One of the amazing things about God's Word is it speaks to each person differently. When you leave a link, visit another one and see what the blogger has learned from the same verse.
Did you join us for May's challenge? If you wrote a blog post reflecting what you learned from this month's challenge, be sure to add the link at the bottom of the post.One of the amazing things about God's Word is it speaks to each person differently. When you leave a link, visit another one and see what the blogger has learned from the same verse.
Developing a Child's Faithfulness To Jesus
Training our children is a lot of work. But it is well worth every step of the way, when they live for the Lord as adults. It is NEVER too early to begin training our children to be faithful to Jesus.
Going Back - Little Things Along the Way
Do you ever wish you could go back and be a little child again and be under your Mom and Dad's protection and care? Why is it that we don't really understand why they had certain guidelines and rules for the home until we get older and are raising our own children?
Our Ordered Steps
It was a beautiful day for playing outside! For playing baseball with Granddaddy and for making silly faces with Granmamma! The sand in our driveway was hot from the sun shining all day and, of COURSE, who could refuse the temptation to kick off the crocs and crunch those wee little toes in the golden sand for a while? Not my grandbaby boy!
Jesus The Rock of Our Faith
Marsden Rock is an imposing sea stack of magnesium limestone which lies approx 100 yards off the mainland of South Shields in the North of England. It was always an awesome sight to behold and as I grew up in one of the nearby towns I used to love spending time there at the beach. It almost seemed that nothing would be able to knock this great rock down.
Through the Word Memory Verse Challenge April Linkup
Welcome to the Through The Word Reflection Linkup!
For April, Psalm 119:10-11 was chosen for the challenge. Did you join in? We hope so. Did you write a blog post about what these verses meant for you this month? Add your link at the bottom of the post. If you don't have a blog to share your thoughts on, leave us a comment with what you've learned. We want to hear from you!
For April, Psalm 119:10-11 was chosen for the challenge. Did you join in? We hope so. Did you write a blog post about what these verses meant for you this month? Add your link at the bottom of the post. If you don't have a blog to share your thoughts on, leave us a comment with what you've learned. We want to hear from you!
The Battle is the Lord's
I've just finished reading about Deborah and Barak in Judges 4. Here we have a mighty woman of God, someone who was ready to step in and go the extra mile. Deborah had called for Barak and told him to take ten thousand men toward Mount Tabor. The Lord was going to deliver Sisera the captain of King Jabin's army into his hand. Sisera had oppressed the children of Israel for 20 years and he had 900 chariots of iron. Barak would only go to the battle if Deborah agreed to go with him. While Barak was ready to disobey God if Deborah wouldn't go with him, she was ready, and without hesitation, said she would go with him but she told Barak that he wouldn't have the honour of taking Sisera life, the Lord would give that to a woman.
Frugal Decorating Tips: The Entryway
Decorating a home can be quite a challenge to those who are limited in their funds or those who rent. However, this shouldn't stop you from being creative and frugal all at the same time. I'd like to share some tips that you might use in your own home. Some, I have used and some are still just there in the back of my mind. Anyone can use these ideas, even those that rent, but always ask the owner before doing anything! Today we're talking about the entryway.
Hath God Said ?
I wonder how often we still twist the Word of God today to try and make it say what we want it to say instead of what it really says. I'm afraid lots more often than we want to realize!
The Homemaker and Her Occupations
Of all the jobs in the world, there is only one that wears the hats of many other occupations. While some don't consider the homemaker a real occupation, it is a job many women are quickly reverting to now days. It is an occupation Christian women should not try to hide. It is something we all can be proud of when we are asked what our occupation is.
Declaring the Glory of God
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19:1-2
Through the Word Memory Verse Challenge March Linkup
Welcome to the Through The Word Reflection Linkup!
We are excited to read your posts about this month’s Bible memory verse challenge for I Corinthians 2:5.
We are excited to read your posts about this month’s Bible memory verse challenge for I Corinthians 2:5.
Ponder Your Path
Here is a picture of the path that I take on my daily....possibly semi-daily....hmmm...maybe bi-weekly lately because of all the rain....walk down my driveway. It is little more than a path in the eyes of most people and yet it is a path that is dear to me because it leads me home.
It's In His Hands
This is another post from the archives, dated May 20, 2009. What I love about reading these old posts is that it doesn't matter when they were written...the truth of God's word is the same today, yesterday, and forever. All we need to is trust it and apply it to our matter what the circumstance.
Featured Post: 5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage
Today's featured post comes from Rosanna at Extraordinary Everyday Mom. Rosanna is wife to Bernd, and Mom to BJ, Nea, and Dilly. She lives in Manitoba, Canada, and her passion is to encourage and inspire us to live the extraordinary everyday life that God has called us to.
Rosanna shares this post with us: 5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage
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