Ponder Your Path

Here is a picture of the path that I take on my daily....possibly semi-daily....hmmm...maybe bi-weekly lately because of all the rain....walk down my driveway. It is little more than a path in the eyes of most people and yet it is a path that is dear to me because it leads me home.

Proverbs 4:26

 While reading in Proverbs I was reminded that God gives us some instructions on staying on the path. Not the physical, earthly path, but the spiritual path.

Read with me in Proverbs 4:

18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

As Christians we have been justified by the blood of Christ, therefore we are called "the just". This verse says that our path, or our life, is like a shining light. One that shines brighter and brighter until we are called Home to be with God. If our light instead grows dimmer and dimmer, it's because we have let sin become stronger in our lives until it blots out the light within us.

19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.
On the other hand, the "wicked", or the unsaved, don't even realize they are going down the wrong road because their lives are so dark with sin that they can't even see the path, much less the obstacles they are stumbling over. That's why our light should always shine brightly so that the lost can see that there is hope beyond their darkness!

26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.
Think deliberately about where you are headed in your Christian life. Be like Daniel and purpose in your heart that you are going to serve God. Let that be set in concrete...established....in your life. You will not be so easily swayed then when temptations come along.

27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.
When you have made up your mind to serve the Lord...just DO it! Don't get off the path to the right or to the left to make a detour if you know it is something that isn't what God wants you to do! Don't go places where you know in advance you will be tempted to do evil.

Sometimes our spiritual path may not look like much to others. But to us, it should be very sacred. Very special. Because it is the path that leads us HOME. Our eternal heavenly home!

And do you know something else? We and others around us are not the only ones watching the path. God also watches us as we travel our everyday roads. And He thinks deeply about what He sees.

Proverbs 4:26

....."For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings." 

Proverbs 5: 21

Keep on walking!



  1. What a beautiful path, Marilyn! I love pictures of pathways, as they are so symbolic of our lives.
    What an awesome thought, that God spends time pondering our goings....and one that should make us want to be more careful about where our 'goings' take us!

  2. Beautiful, Thank you ~ I'm glad to see you on the KJV Blog Directory too. Thanks for visiting me today.

  3. What a beautiful path! Thanks for the encouraging post.

  4. I glad the Lord watches us on our path of life that we walk everyday.
    Sometimes that path is not so straight and we might find rough spots~ but the Lord always knows where we are. thanks for the post.

  5. Beautiful Marilyn and so true, the Lord is so faithful, not only watching us on the path but guiding us too. Thank you for sharing. Jean


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