Through the Word Memory Verse Challenge February Linkup

Welcome to the Through The Word Reflection Linkup!

We are excited to read your posts about this month’s Bible memory verse challenge - Psalm 27:1

Featured Post: Ponder

Today's featured post is from Kami at A Day in the Life of a Missionary WifeShe is the blessed wife to her high school sweetheart and they have 6 children. Their family is  blessed to be following God's will as USA church planting missionaries! God has called them to plant a gospel preaching church in High Springs, Florida, just northwest of Gainesville. 

We Are In A Race

As Christians we are in a race; but not just any race. This race is different with a different outcome and reward. Are you ready to run the race?

Featured Post: Be Ye Angry and Sin Not

Today's feature post is from Janine at Janine's Crazy Corner. She can talk up a storm and proudly wears the title “Neat Freak”! She and her husband live in the country. Janine enjoys breathing fresh air, drinking well water, working hard, and getting dirt under her fingernails! She enjoys being called a wife,Mom, and Mamaw. She is  also the caregiver of Lance the cat and eleven hens.

Janine shared this post with us:

Be Ye Angry and Sin Not

Anger is a God-given emotion, and in and of itself is not bad (Mark 3:5 And when he (Jesus) had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts…) The problem arises when one’s anger becomes sin. ANGER BECOMES SIN IN THREE DIFFERENT WAYS: When it is held overnight. If the immediate reaction is an ungodly response, such as physical violence or angry words. If one gives place to the devil by remembering hurts and storing them for future revenge.

Be a Friend of Jesus

 I recently got new glasses. They are hard to get used to, but I am trying. It makes me wonder how hard we try to make our relationships at church work. We each have different personalities, and sometimes it seems hard for them all to work together.

John 15:14

  Maybe we do love each other because we are commanded to, but do we like each other? Sometimes we say, “I love them, but I sure don’t like their ways.” If their ways are sinful, then that is good. But if their ways are just different from our ways, then that is not good.

 Jesus is our friend. He looks at each one of us and sees the good in us. He encourages us to do good and to be a better person.

 We should stop and look at our friends. Look past what we think are faults and see good in each one. We are truly Jesus’ friends when we love one another.

Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. John 15:14

John 15:14

We hope you enjoyed this post from the archives, posted December, 2014.

Featured Post: How Do Your Children Grow? Ways to Pray for your Children and Grandchildren

Today's post is from Ellen at Joyful Abundant Life. She is the wife and bookkeeper to an HVAC man, mom to 4, and grandma to 19. We can all have a joyful abundant life through Jesus Christ. 

Ellen shared this post with us:

How Do Your Children Grow? Ways to Pray for you Children and Grandchildren.

Parents, how do your children grow? Are you praying for them to grow physically and spiritually? Here are some important ways you can pray for your children and important truths you can instill into their minds and hearts. As I read daily Scriptures on the birth and life of Christ this month, it was so thrilling to see what the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart.

Is God Trying to Get Your Attention?

We hope you enjoy this post from our archives. It originally posted in August, 2012.

Hurricane Isaac is expected to make landfall on the 7thanniversary of Katrina, August 29th.  Weather forecasters predict that New Orleans may have storm surges as much as 14 feet.

Is it possible that God is trying to get our attention again?  Katrina was 2005, seven years ago. The number 7 in biblical numerology represents spiritual perfection or the number of God. It’s as if God is saying, “It’s me again, I AM trying to get your attention.”

Featured Post: The Best All Natural Fridge Cleaner and Deodorizer

Today's post is from Nadine at Making Her Mama. She is follower of Jesus, SAHM, THMer, and homeschooler to four boys. She loves to garden and is a wanna be homesteader. She even LOVES organizing.

Nadine shared this post with us:

The Best Fridge Cleaner Recipe - All Natural Ingredients

Who likes cleaning out their kitchen fridge? Well, okay, I kind of do, but it’s not so much that I enjoy cleaning my fridge. It’s more that I appreciate a clean fridge. And nothing works better than this fridge cleaner recipe!

Read more from The Best Fridge Cleaner Recipe - All Natural Ingredients

Hit the Refresh Button!

 It has been said, "...a woman's work is never done".  Day after day, night after night...sometimes it seems as if there's no break, no help, no relief.  I know.  I've been there.  I had 4 babies and 2 miscarriages in 6 years with no family in the area and a husband that was very nearly never home!
(By very nearly, I mean he worked from 7:30/8:00 AM to around 8:00 PM everyday. Some days he worked till about midnight or 3:00 AM. Who says people in the ministry don't work!?!)
The importance of moms taking time to refresh