Developing a Child's Faithfulness To Jesus

Training our children is a lot of work. But it is well worth every step of the way, when they live for the Lord as adults.  It is NEVER too early to begin training our children to be faithful to Jesus.

 Developing a Child's Faithfulness To Jesus

Developing a Child's Faithfulness to Jesus

Yesterday was my niece's birthday. We called her at her parents' home, as they were visiting them, and sang her the birthday song with a touch of creative license. (I also got to talk to her darling 3 year old son, which for me is as good as pumpkin pie! With ice cream.) Shortly into our conversation I asked her what her plans were for the rest of the evening.

She told me that they, husband, wife, 3-year old son and 1 year old daughter, may spend a little time on their own by their fireside, because they need to help train the littlest one to have self-control. She is not yet able to sit still during Fellowship. Wow! The toddler is one! The boy is three and has it pretty much down that during teaching time he is to sit quietly. Now I've been with them at Home Fellowships, on our vacations, and have witnessed how the little guy sings and prays to Jesus, and sits fairly patiently through teaching time. I was amazed! He is actually turning three this month. So, how did they do it?

Well my husband and I saw how they do it during our visit to their house last May. Actually they had come to our house first earlier in the year, and we were in awe as they sang worshipful hymns just walking about the house during the day - while ironing, or cooking, etc. That little boy sang 95 % of all the words with tune in-tact! He enjoyed it in a serene way, unaware of how utterly amazed we were! His parents have been helping him learn hymns since before he was born! Yes. There you have it; we must begin to impute our love of Jesus into our little ones from day 1.

Later, when we went to see them at their house, I watched as Daddy and Mommy prayed each night together with son, after reading the scriptures aloud. When their son began to be silly or impatient, Daddy said, "Now son, we're talking to Jesus now. We take speaking to our Lord very seriously, and you need to also." And that was that. That adorable little boy clasped his little boy hands and closed his eyes with serious restraint. Then he prayed a fervent sweet prayer to Jesus.

So, now with one-year-old, sweet little muffin-cake, they have a chore, as she has a more stronger will than her brother. (Perhaps she takes after her great aunt.) The answer? Go into their 'nesting' mode and cozy family unit, and read a book aloud. That's right. They shall read aloud and take the time, repeatedly I'm sure, to gently but firmly command their child to sit and behave. This they will do as part of her training. She will behave, in time, as her parents are thoroughly committed to her spiritual development. They will not run the risk of their daughter having a floundering spirit.

Having been trained herself by godly parents and home-schooling, Mommy will be an example of virtue and submission. Even now she carefully chooses toys that are not of this world's venue of TV characters; nor any books that exemplify self-fulfilment; nor permitting a free-spirit that dangerously gets instilled by allowing children to always play or watch videos. Training children to be responsible, considerate, and humble is a job! A job with the most reward.


  1. Amen! Great post eM! Child training is a full time job, with great benefits, and we are paid daily with hugs, kisses and sweet least while they are little LOL

  2. Yes, Auntie Em - that really was a great blog. I remember as a child gathering around the family altar and I tried to do the same as our children were growing up. I know the discipline of parents that had the wisdom to see the earlier you break the will of a child, the better. Sometimes you find yourself with a strong willed child and we really need wisdom from the LOrd to know what to do. I found I had to deal with each child differently.

  3. Auntie Em,
    We've not *met* :), but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! It fed my soul to know that at least one Christian family is taking their responsibility seriously of training up their children in the way they should go and that it IS possible for children to sit still and absorb the Word of God. This is so good that I'm going to do a post on my blog and link here. Thank you for sharing this!!

  4. Hello Sharon,
    Yes it is possible; my brother and his wife changed the direction of their child-raising when their eldest child was 13. Seeing their errors they sat with the children to deeply express their sorrow for displeasing the Lord, and asked forgiveness. Thence they began daily morning devotions with bible teaching, and showed their children how to go to Jesus with everything.

  5. I think so often what we miss with our kids is letting them see the Lord working in our own lives, and also if they don't see any joy in us why should they want what we have!? So much more is caught than taught, especially in the older years.


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