Declaring the Glory of God

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19:1-2

Psalm 19:2,3

Through the Word Memory Verse Challenge March Linkup

Welcome to the Through The Word Reflection Linkup!

We are excited to read your posts about this month’s Bible memory verse challenge for I Corinthians 2:5

Ponder Your Path

Here is a picture of the path that I take on my daily....possibly semi-daily....hmmm...maybe bi-weekly lately because of all the rain....walk down my driveway. It is little more than a path in the eyes of most people and yet it is a path that is dear to me because it leads me home.

Proverbs 4:26

It's In His Hands

This is another post from the archives, dated May 20, 2009. What I love about reading these old posts is that it doesn't matter when they were written...the truth of God's word is the same today, yesterday, and forever. All we need to is trust it and apply it to our matter what the circumstance.

Featured Post: 5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage

Today's featured post comes from Rosanna at Extraordinary Everyday Mom. Rosanna is wife to Bernd, and Mom to BJ, Nea, and Dilly. She lives in Manitoba, Canada, and her passion is to encourage and inspire us to live the extraordinary everyday life that God has called us to.

Rosanna shares this post with us: 5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage

Ways to prioritize Your Marriage

Prevention: the Best Cure

Life is not about just me, it's about others also. With a little work we can keep from being a stumbling block for them.

Ephesians 5:26

Through the Word - I Corinthians 2:5

Welcome to March's Through the Word Bible memory verse challenge! 

We enjoyed reading through the links that were shared last month.

Featured Post: The Miracle Of Homeschooling

 Today's featured post is from Michelle at Mid-Life BloggerMichelle and her husband live on a homestead in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. She grew up as a city girl but always dreamed of living in the country. That dream came true about nine years ago. On her blog, Michelle shares what she has learned over the years about homesteading, gardening, homeschooling, and faith. She now invites us to follow her into the next phase of her life as an empty nester.

Michelle shared this post with us: The Miracle Of Homeschooling

Experience of a veteran home school mom

There’s often a push for legislation that would require homeschooling parents to be certified teachers. I think the assumptions behind it are that only certified teachers are capable of teaching children, and that a student’s learning ability is limited by what the teacher knows. I want to share through personal examples, scripture, and research, why they aren’t true, and why I’ve begun to think of it as “the miracle of homeschooling.”

Read more from The Miracle Of Homeschooling.