Budgeting: Heating Style

Welcome to the second installment of our Budgeting Series. Last week we shared Budgeting: Kitchen Style. Today we're talking about ways to keep your house warm that help in saving money.

Budgeting: Heating Style l christianladiesnetwork.com

Budgeting: Heating Style

Here are my tips, and again, some I use, some I don't.
  • Wear layers
Do you really need your house so warm that you can wear short sleeves? When my DH and I are working around the house we usually lower the temperature that way we don't get overheated.
  • Programmable Thermostat
Are there periods of time that everyone is gone from the house? If so, get a programmable thermostat so that you're not paying to heat an empty house. And it's back up to temperature when you get home.
  • Insulation
Does your home have adequate insulation? Yes it is and expense to add more, but it could pay off in the long run
  • Is your furnace energy efficient
If your furnace is old, it may not be energy efficient. Replacing it will cost money, but it, like insulation, could pay off in the long run. Also make sure to look into tax credits for getting a new one.
  • Closing off rooms
If you have rooms that you don't use regularly (like a guest room), close them off. 

Be sure to come back for the final installment on the Budgeting Series. Next week I'll be sharing Budgeting: Cleaning and Laundry Style.

Budgeting A Series l christianladiesnetwork.com


  1. Hi Michelle,

    Great post! Very insightful!

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  2. Great tips. We used to have an automatic thermostat. It would turn on right before we were both due to return home from work. We also programmed it to go off at hour or so before our bedtime (as the house would usually stay warm enough).

  3. thanks for the tips.
    We have been going without heat this month trying to save. It´s been warmer thank the Lord but I think we caught colds anyway. :( but oh well, that probably was from the change in weather. right?


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