Psalm 121 was one of the first chapters that I memorized as a youth. It has meant a lot to me. I was praying about this post and this Psalm kept going over and over in my mind.
Psalm 121: 1,2 I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
I'm glad I know where I can get help. Not from the hill itself, but from the Creator of the hills. Jeremiah 3:23 Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains; truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.
Just think of how majestic the mountains are! How big is God? Bigger than any mountain! He is so big that when we come into His presence we feel so little. So insignificant! Yet~ we can get help anytime we need it. We just have to tap into His resources. The Creator of heaven and earth is waiting on us to look to the hills.
Psalm 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved, He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
He has His eyes on us at all times. You know that slumbering feeling? Not quite asleep~but not awake! Sometimes oblivious to the surroundings! Not our God! He is wide awake at all times and if we start to fall, He is there to pick us up and get us back on track. Our names are written in the palms of His hands. I can't comprehend that vastness of God. Yet, He thinketh on me!
Psalm 121:5,6 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
He is my strength in the storms of life, a refuge from the storms, a shadow from the heat when the devil attacks. All I have to do is look to the hills! He is my Shield! The devil can't touch me unless he goes through the Father first.
I think of Job! The devil wanted his life so bad that he attacked full blast. But Job said "When I am tried I shall come forth as gold." When gold is refined and pure you can see your image in it. When in another place he said: "I will hold fast to my integrity, I will not let it go." Job knew where his help came from. When we are attacked from all sides we need to look to the hills from whence cometh our help. No matter what our individual trials and test may be~ just remember~ it went through our Lord first. Our Lord is not asleep. He will bring us through. The heat may be turned up~but God knows! He knows when we're weary, He knows when we're tired, He knows just how much we can take and will come to our rescue.
Did you ever make preserves? I made fig preserves last year and the year before. They don't last long around our house. They are our favorite! With a hot biscuit! Yummy! I opened a jar that was from the first batch. They were what I call Preserved. They had turned to sugared figs. No way any syrup came from this jar. I know this jar will keep as long as I need it to.
Our Lord will preserve us as long as we need Him too. Forever! That does not mean that we won't have test and trials! It means that He will keep us in the midst of the storm. He is mindful of His child at all times. He knows when we are entering a trial and He knows when we are coming out the trial. He wants a tried people. Someone said that every fiber of our being will be tried in the Christian life. But thank God ~we can look to the hills!
Meditations and Memories
"He is my strength in the storms of life, a refuge from the storms, a shadow from the heat when the devil attacks. All I have to do is look to the hills! He is my Shield! The devil can't touch me unless he goes through the Father first." AMEN! Such an important truth to remember.