Discipling our Children

Raising children who are strong in their faith doesn't just happen.  It takes prayerful, intentional, determined effort to lay an unshakeable foundation that will see them through this life.  We can't just desire it, we have to seek Him earnestly and allow His redeeming love to flow onto our little seedlings.

The task can seem overwhelming when we try to add character training into our days.  We easily grow weary and troubled when we see it separately from the rest of our interactions with our children.  But if we will allow it to simply be our day, with the other stuff flowing around it, it comes so much more naturally.

Character Development

Practically speaking this means that chore time is character training, not simply a means to an end...with the end being a tidy house.  It's an opportunity to instill diligence and thoroughness, as well as encouraging a good attitude even while completing an undesirable task.  Talk freely and often of the way Christ went about His work in love, though He was no doubt exhausted and worn.

It means that mealtime is a chance to reconnect and discuss the happenings of the day.  Allow for each child to be heard and draw out those who are more reluctant to speak beyond surface topics.  Ask questions that require a little thought and encourage answers from the heart.  When a response doesn't exactly match up with your feelings on a matter, be careful not to be critical, thereby crushing open communication.

Schooling is about so much more than bookwork and whether you home school or simply help your child through his homework, look for avenues to point them to the Christ of Creation.  This is so easy to do in Science and Social Studies.  But even Math can point them to a God of infinite wisdom.  The power over sin that He freely offers to us is multiplied as our faith is increased.  His kingdom is divisible by nothing and the equation for eternal life is found right in the pages of the Bible.  A firm grasp of numbers opens the door to understanding so much more than math facts!

Discipling Our Children

Bedtime is the perfect chance to knit your heart to theirs.  A quiet chat at the bedside where you are wholly theirs for a few minutes, will reveal hidden thoughts and struggles that you had no idea of.  Listen without judgement, gently guide with encouragement and kneel with them before the throne of Grace.  There is power not only in the words uttered to a merciful God, but also in the practice of training your child to take all His cares to his Creator.

When every aspect of your day is intertwined with character development and tenderly guiding them to Jesus, it becomes a part of who they are.  When you see it as a life work, rather than a "subject" that you are teaching, you will find the outflow is heaven-touched.  Keep yourself firmly in the Word and continually in prayer and you will indeed  be raising children who see with their hearts, rather than their eyes!

We hope you enjoy this post from the archives, originally posted in May, 2012.

Kasey - Walking Redeemed

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