Featured Post: Three Lessons I Learned From a Robin's Nest

Today's featured post is from Lori. She's been married for 18 years and is Momma to a mighty fine teenager who thinks it's awesome she has to look up at him. Lori is a Georgia Peach with a love for BBQ and sweet tea. She's a self-taught knitter and after eight years she finished her first afghan. When she is not caring for her family and knitting, she is blogging at Frog's Lilypad

Lori shared this post with us:

Three Lessons I Learned From a Robin's Nest

Discipling our Children

Raising children who are strong in their faith doesn't just happen.  It takes prayerful, intentional, determined effort to lay an unshakeable foundation that will see them through this life.  We can't just desire it, we have to seek Him earnestly and allow His redeeming love to flow onto our little seedlings.

The task can seem overwhelming when we try to add character training into our days.  We easily grow weary and troubled when we see it separately from the rest of our interactions with our children.  But if we will allow it to simply be our day, with the other stuff flowing around it, it comes so much more naturally.

Featured Post: I Will Exalt Him

 Today's featured post is from Deborah, at Lyric Devotions, where she shares her songs, devotions and bits and pieces of her life. Deborah has been married to Brian for 36 years, and is Mom to eight kids, by birth and adoption, and grandma to sixteen. She began homeschooling in 1987, and has just over seven years to go until her youngest daughter graduates! She loves the Lord, her family, and her five dogs. You can also find her blogging at Living Our Lives Well.

Deborah shares this post with us.

I Will Exalt Him

Numbers 11

While reading through the Book of Numbers, I came across a portion of scripture that I had read many times before, but suddenly saw in a whole new way. It’s where Moses is telling God that he is not able to bear all these people alone. (Numbers 11:12-14) After all, he did not conceive them, nor did he give birth to them, and yet it seemed that God was asking him to be a father to these people who more often than not acted like a bunch of whiny kids.

Read more from I Will Exalt Him


In reading the book of  Philemon in the New Testament, which is only one short chapter I came across some notes I had taken on it years back. It is one or Paul's prison letters.  Philemon, a Christian at Colosse, had a slave named Onesimus.  He had robbed his master and fled Rome. There, he came across Paul and was converted. (God has ways to get our attention.)


My Heart for the Christian Ladies Network {from Lori}

I came to know Deb about 9 years ago after starting my blog Frog’s Lilypad. My family had moved across the country to plant a church in western Montana. I sought for online encouragement from other ladies with the same principles. I was hoping to find encouragement from other missionary wives in the same boat as I was in. After searching through the Blogger profile pages; I found Deb at Lyric Devotions and her blog roll group.

Reading the many blogs of women who were striving to live for the Lord opened a door for me. Through the years I made friends with many of them. I rejoiced with them at the birth of a new baby or the marriage of an older child. I wept with them at the loss of a loved one or when a soldier husband was deployed. I also was given the same support from these ladies.

Featured Member ~ Katharine

Welcome to our first featured member post!

Christian Ladies Network

If you are a CLN member, and would like to be featured, please contact us.

Featured Post: Not Too Far From Here ~ Answered Prayer

  Today's featured post is from Michelle, at Mid-Life Blogger. Michelle and her husband live on a homestead in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. She grew up as a city girl but always dreamed of living in the country. That dream came true about nine years ago. On her blog, Michelle shares what she has learned over the years about homesteading, gardening, homeschooling, and faith. She now invites us to follow her into the next phase of her life as an empty nester. 

Michelle shares this post with us.

Not Too Far From Here ~ Answered Prayer

 Many years ago I had a favorite song called “Not Too Far From Here,” sung by Kim Boyce. I had her cassette tape and listened to it over and over, singing along, of course.  With permission from its writer, Steve Siler, I want to share the lyrics with you before continuing my story. (Read More)

What To Do When You're Snowed In

 We hope you enjoy this post from the archives, originally posted in November, 2011. In going through the many posts we have to choose from, this one seemed particularly timely.

There are several fun things to do when you're snowed in. We have spent some great times together as a family while snowed in. First, you have to make sure that you have a well stocked kitchen in case of inclement weather. When the weather man announces snow for the southern states, you can expect the bread and milk section at the grocery stores to be rapidly depleted. But everybody knows that when you are snowed in there are some essential items to have on hand. 


  Welcome to the Christian Ladies Network. We're so excited to be back, and we're looking forward to our upcoming relaunch! 

  Our goal at CLN is first and foremost to glorify God in all that we do. Second, we endeavour to be an encouragement to our members, and to our readers. We hope your time here results in growth; spiritually, personally, and in your individual blogs. We each have something unique to offer, and each of us also has our own needs and goals. When we  support each other, we all benefit.

Encouragement, Support, Growth

    Please check out the tabs at the top. About CLN will give you a little history about how we started and who were are. Join Our Network is where you'll find our membership requirements, a link to our Statement of Faith, as well as our CLN badge, and category list. Please be sure to add the badge to your blog sidebar before requesting membership. Once it's in place, contact us through the form on the sidebar and let us know what category you would like your blog to be listed under.  Write For Us provides members with the information you need to submit a guest post, or to join our team as a regular writer. Through the Word is a Bible memory challenge and link up that is open to anyone who wishes to participate.

  Something new that we didn't have in the past is our CLN Face Book Group for bloggers. Back in the old days, most of us weren't yet on Face Book, so we communicated more on our blogs. I do miss that, but I also see the many benefits of Face Book, especially a closed group where people are more able to communicate openly. We hope the CLN group will help us reach our goals of encouragement, growth and support. We also have a CLN Pinterest Board where members can pin their blog posts. Both of these can be accessed through the links in our sidebar.

  To get us started, we've updated some of our archived posts, and will continue to feature these periodically. We hope you enjoy getting to know some of our original writers through these posts, and appreciate their writing as much as we do.

  We're so glad you've found your way here! We're enjoying renewing old acquaintances and meeting new friends. We value your input, so please let us know how we can best help you.

Look To the Hills

 We hope you enjoy this post from the archives. It was originally posted in January, 2009.

Psalm 121 was one of the first chapters that I memorized as a youth. It has meant a lot to me. I was praying about this post and this Psalm kept going over and over in my mind.

Psalm 121: 1,2 I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

 I'm glad I know where I can get help. Not from the hill itself, but from the Creator of the hills. Jeremiah 3:23 Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains; truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel. 

Psalm 121

 Just think of how majestic the mountains are! How big is God? Bigger than any mountain! He is so big that when we come into His presence we feel so little. So insignificant! Yet~ we can get help anytime we need it. We just have to tap into His resources. The Creator of heaven and earth is waiting on us to look to the hills.